Friday, June 18, 2010

Miracles of Vitamin C...

Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid can be found in almost all kind of fruits and also vegetables. The most common fruit that we are familiar with is Orange. This is an essential nutrient for:-
  1. Tissue repair & growth of cells, gums, blood vessels, bones and teeth.
  2. Faster healing of wounds, burns, cuts and bleeding gums.
  3. Is an anti-oxidant and protects the body against oxidative stress.
  4. Re-generate your Vitamin E supplies
  5. Lower the risk of cancer
  6. Helps removes toxins in our blood.
  7. Has anti-ageing effects
  8. To fight infections, preventing viral and bacterial attack, reducing the effects of allergies.
  9. Eliminate nicotine poisoning
  10. Reduces blood clotting.
  11. Helps reduce cholesterol in our blood system
  12. Helps absorption of iron and increase hemoglobin count in our blood

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